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16 August 2017


How to girl choice and find life patnar and what she show in man

It's not always easy to show your love to your boyfriend, whether you've been together for a while or have only been seeing each other exclusively for a few months. This How will show you how to show your love to your boyfriend.

 Summary for making boyfriend
1. Tell him that you love him.
2. Learn to communicate, compromise, and apologize.
3. Do small favors for him and take interest in his hobbies.
4. Don't be jealous and give him space when he needs it.
5. Go on adventures together and make time for romance.

Say the Right Things

  1. 1
    Tell your man how much you love him. Seriously. Though your man will claim you're being too mushy, if you're at the "I love you" stage, don't forget to tell him that you love him every day. Show him that you mean it by keeping eye contact and touching him lightly. Remember that there's a big difference between saying "Love ya!" and "I love you."
  2. 2
    Encourage him. If you want your man to know that you love him, then you should encourage him to achieve his goals every day, whether they are big or small. Being there to support and encourage him the night before a big exam or a job interview will show him how much you care and want him to succeed.
    • If he's not feeling confident, list all of the things that make him great, and all of the reasons that he'll succeed.
    • If he has a big event coming up, leave him a sweet note to wish him luck.
    • Push him to do something out of his comfort zone. If he wants to train for a marathon but isn't sure that he can do it, you can tell him that he can accomplish anything (within reason) if he really puts his mind to it.
  3. 3
    Communicate like a champ. Communication is key in any relationship. If you want your man to know how much you love him, then you need to be able to communicate honestly and clearly. Taking the time to check in and make sure that you're on the same page will help your relationship grow even stronger. Here's how you do it:
    • Don't yell or argue. Instead of yelling or arguing, learn to state your side of the story and wait for a response.
    • Learn to listen. Communication is a two way street, so take the time to slow down and understand your boyfriend's perspective instead of interrupting and focusing on your own feelings.
    • Be honest. Be honest about how you're really feeling instead of being passive aggressive. Let him know what's on your mind.
    • Pick the right time and place to have a serious talk. If you have something important to discuss, don't just blurt it out in a public place, but wait for the right moment when you both have time to sit down and really have a conversation.
  4. 4
    Learn to compromise. You can show your boyfriend that you care by making it clear that being happy is more important than being right. You and your boyfriend need to learn how to work together to make decisions, big or small. You need to learn to factor him into all of your decisions, and to be able to concede some of the time.
    • Before a big decision, sit down with your man and write down all of the pros and cons of your two plans. Discuss which plan is best overall, and which will make the two of you the most happy collectively.
    • Make sure that both people are compromising. Don't always give in to his needs, and don't let him give in to yours all the time.
    • Take turns, even on the small things. If you picked the dinner location on your date, let him pick the movie.
  5. 5
    Learn to say you're sorry. If you want your man to know how much you love him, then you need to learn how to be responsible for your mistakes. If you've made a mistake, let him know how truly sorry you are by saying the words like you really mean them, and assuring him that you feel terrible for hurting him. If you're too stubborn to say you're sorry, the relationship won't last.
    • You should also learn to accept his apologies. You can fume a little bit, but understand that he feels terrible and don't hold a grudge, or you'll never be able to move forward.

Do the Right Things

  1. 1
    Do little favors for him. A few little favors can go a long way. Doing small favors for your man is a great way to show your love for him, especially when he's in a pinch. The favors may be small, but they'll add up. Here are some favors that you can do for him:
    • If he's having a busy day at work, bring him his lunch, if you can. He'll appreciate it.
    • Do his laundry from time to time. Just make sure he doesn't take advantage of you -- if you do his laundry, make sure he does yours.
    • Cook him a nice big dinner when he's having a long and stressful day. All he'll have to do is enjoy it and do the dishes afterward.
    • Run small errands for him if he needs some help. If you're already doing to the mall, offer to return one of his shirts for him.
  2. 2
    Don't force him to do things he hates to do. Though all great relationships are built through compromise, this does not mean that you have to drag your boyfriend out of the house to make him do a ton of things that don't interest him at all. Of course, he won't love every last thing you do together, but you can work to make sure you don't make him suffer too much when you go out.
    • Don't drag him to see a chick flick unless you're really dying to see it and none of your girlfriends will go with you.
    • Don't force him to take a yoga or dance class with you just to prove how sensitive he is -- unless he thinks it sounds like fun.
    • Don't make him meet your family until he's ready. If you've only been dating for a few months, he may take meeting your family very seriously, so you shouldn't force him to have an awkward sit-down dinner with your mom if the two of you are just getting to know each other.
    • Don't force him to move too fast. Don't "persuade" him to move in with you, go on long trips with you, or pose for 100 photos you'll post on Facebook if he's not ready. Each relationship moves at its own pace, and if you do this, he won't feel loved -- he'll feel smothered.
  3. 3
    Learn to love to do what he does -- some of the time. Though he can't expect you to be cheering in the front row of every MMA fight, if you really want to show him your love, you'll have to enjoy some of the things that are important to him. Don't force yourself to do anything that sounds terrible, but take the time to get to know and love things related to his hobbies and interests. Here are a few ideas:
    • Embrace his favorite sports teams. You don't have to get a tattoo of Coco Crisp on your face just because your boyfriend loves the Oakland A's -- but you should try to watch some baseball games with him, whether they're live or on TV. If you're not big on sports, just be open-minded and give sports a chance before you decide you just can't watch them.
    • Embrace his tastes. Be open-minded and offer to go to a concert of your boyfriend's favorite band even if you haven't heard of it. If he's obsessed with sushi but you've never tried it, give the fish a chance.
    • Just remember to maintain your identity. In any healthy and long relationship, the tastes of both members of a couple may naturally converge, but this doesn't mean you have to drop all of your interests and become a clone of your boyfriend. In fact, that will be a major turn-off.
  4. 4
    Be the person he has the most fun with. This is an important point. If you really want your boyfriend to know how much you love him, then you should be the person he wants to spend the most time with and the person he has the most fun with. A lot of guys consider their "bro time" to be the most fun and crazy time of their lives, and then come back to you, the sweet girlfriend, expecting you to make them a delicious meal and help cure their hangovers, but this is not the way to do it.
    • Well, if you really want him to know you care, you need to work to be the person that he has the crazy nights with -- you'll just have to nurse your hangovers together.
    • Though you don't have to be loud and crazy, he should look forward to time with you as being fun, silly, and the best time he'll have.

  1. Be cool with his friends. You'll have a path straight to your man's heart if you're cool with his bros. Seriously. If his friends love you, then they'll actually want to hang out with you, and won't think you're just another one of those possessive girlfriends who won't let her man be any fun.
    • Take the time to get to know them. If they're receptive, ask them about their lives. Show that you see them as individuals, not just as the guys who hang around your boyfriend.
    • Don't get upset if the guys are overly obnoxious. Just let them be themselves. You don't want them to feel like they're hanging out with their mom all of a sudden.
    • If you want to be cool with your man's bros, then don't hang out if you're not wanted. Don't intrude on an obvious "guys only" night, or sit through a male activity just because you don't want to let your man out of your sight. If you're cool with letting him have his man time, then the guys will be much happier to see you when you're around at the right times.

5 August 2017


HOT beautiful Celebrity IN WORLD ..

The USA, the land of Hollywood, most attractive female celebrities, Victoria’s Secret angels, and Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition supermodels. As Los Angeles is practically the entertainment capital on the planet, it is just organic that all of the prettiest girls in the world would flock to this city inside the hope of getting discovered because the subsequent massive star.

Here, we have gathered 10 of the most beautiful, attractive female celebrities (in no particular order), the sort of celebrities who brighten the day with their smiles … among other things. Nevertheless, you could be fairly certain that these ladies would often stay inside the mix in whatever list you may discover. So this is really a list from the top ten loveliest celebrities in America. You may also like to see world’s top 10 most beautiful girls.
The Top 10 Most Attractive Female Celebrities in America.
1)    Eva Mendes.

Eva Mendes – The most attractive female actor, model & singer.

The American actress, model, singer, and home-ware and fashion designer. She’s a gorgeous woman who refuses to fix what others may see as flaws — “I have the hugest overbite. It’s so big, my older brothers and sisters used to call me “Bugs.” I looked like a bottle opener. But I’ve never fixed my bite because it’s one of the things that makes me me…My best feature is my big hips. I’ve got some nice childbearing hips, and I feel very proud of them. When I was younger I thought they were too big. I wanted to be slimmer. But now I totally embrace them.”
2) Charlize Theron.

She’s an Academy-Award-winning actress. Her Oscar-winning performance in “Monster” was called “one of the greatest performances in the history of the cinema” by critic Roger Ebert. Plus she’s passionately committed to helping the people of her native South Africa — her foundation provides health services for some of the poorest regions of the country. So, that’s why everyone love her. She’s one of the most beautiful eyes celebs.

3) Shakira.

Her hips don’t lie — and neither do her multiple music awards. The perky Colombian singer has a single on the sexiest hips ever. She has had various awards for her music, and she uses her fame to superior use by working for charities that benefit young children. She recorded the theme song of the 2010 World Cup of football (it is actually time for Africa). Why we love her? Her music alone would be enough to make us happy. Add in her tireless work for children’s welfare and education and we’re smitten.
4) Angelina Jolie.

You either laugh, cheer her on or both while watching her as Mrs. Smith on “Mr.and Mrs. Smith“. The gorgeous Angelina is on the most attractive female celebrities in USA.

As much as she loves kids, we should love her for that alone. She’s the right-hand woman of actor Brad Pitt, but she is a business woman and philanthropist all her own. Outside of acting, her charity work includes UNICEF, ONE Campaign and UNHCR. See also; 10 Reasons The World is Shocked At Jolie-Pitt’s Divorce.
5) Jessica Alba.

Ever since “Dark Angel,” she’s known how to kick ass and take names. Plus she’s committed to her charity work, even offering to work for free if producer Bob Weinstein would make a hefty donation to Amfar.
She has been called a s.x symbol. She appears on the “Hot 100” section of Maxim and was voted number one on AskMen.com’s list of “99 Most Desirable Women” in 2006, as well as “Sexiest Woman in the World” by FHM in 2007. In 2005, TV Guide ranked her # 45 on its “50 Sexiest Stars of All Time” list. Despite her relative inactivity, possibilities are she would remain as one on the most attractive female celebrities in America.
Salma Hayek
Who wouldn’t know her? Plenty of roles on screens both big and small. The Mexican actress is not only gorgeous, but funny as well (did you catch her on 30 Rock?), passionate about improving lives (she’s an anti-domestic violence advocate), and smart as a whip. Who wouldn’t love her? She has starred in hit motion pictures, her functionality has been noticed by the Academy Awards when she starred within the movie Frida in 2002, and she got herself a wealthy husband.
6 Megan Fox.)

She is sensible, beautiful and most attractive female in US. She’s the go-to geek-bait hot babe, and has appeared on countless magazine covers. She is regarded a contemporary s.x symbol, and readers of FHM and Maxim magazines certainly agree. Guys will constantly wonder what Brian Austin Green has that he was capable to hook up and marry Fox. Watch; Megan Fox HD Photos and Wallpapers.

This quote from The Times of London, when the reporter asked her if she considered herself a role model: “It depends on what your idea of a role model is. If your idea of a role model is somebody who’s gonna preach to your kids that s.x before marriage is wrong and cursing is wrong and women should be this and be that, then I’m not a role model. But if you want your girls to feel strong and intelligent and be outspoken and fight for what they think is right, then I want to be that type of role model, yeah.”
7) Adriana Lima.

She’s one of the hottest Victoria’s Secret angels… and so much more. The Sports Illustrated magazine’s swimsuit edition supermodel is each and every teenage boy’s dream. Her images happen to be almost certainly pinned up in millions of college dorms about the country. Guys go wild for her, but Lima has managed to keep a level head in spite of all the fame and adulation. She’s deeply committed to her Catholic faith, often bringing a bible to read backstage at fashion shows. And contrary to the stories you hear about models gone wild, Adriana publicly talked about saving herself for marriage. She’s now married to Serbian Marko Jarić, and gave birth to daughter last year.
8) Beyonce Knowles.

Where you know her from: Music, movies, awards shows…. where haven’t you seen her? She’s the wife of rap star Jay-Z. She was also given the title as People’sWorld’s Most Beautiful Woman. Here, so many reasons to love her, but mostly because “Single Ladies” is a song we’re almost glad will be stuck in our heads for the rest of our lives. She’s also no stranger to charity work, with Survivor Foundation being the most well-known for her contribution to Hurricane Katrina victims.

10) Scarlett Johansson.

blonde bombshell toped the list of most attractive female celebrities. The multi talented Scarlett Johansson broke big with Lost in Translation and hasn’t slowed down since. She’s a

star who doesn’t starve herself, doesn’t advertise her personal business, and stays out of the tabloids. Plus, she’s about to kick Iron Man’s butt as the Black Widow! She is a bankable star. Definitely beautiful from whatever angle you look at her, literally and figuratively. (latimes).

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