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1 February 2018


Groundwater is one of earth’s most vital renewable and widely distributed resources as well as an important source of water supply throughout the world. The quality of water is a vital concern for mankind since it is directly linked with human welfare. In India, most of the population is dependent on groundwater as the only source of drinking water supply. The groundwater is believed to be comparatively much clean and free from pollution than surface water. Groundwater can become contaminated naturally or because of numerous types of human activities; residential, municipal, commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities can all affect groundwater quality.
Water is the basic requirements of all life on Earth.  The origin of life has been attributed is water along with other basic elements water the source of life is passionate. It must be remembered that any natural or manmade activity on the surface of the earth will have its for most impact on the quality and quantity of water this will be taken into the biosphere systems and ultimately lead to hydrological extremes.

water quality refers to the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water Another general perception of water quality is that of a simple property that tells whether water is polluted or not. It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of one or more biotic species and or to any human need or purpose. The most common standards used to assesswater quality relate to health of ecosystems, safety of human health and drinking water. In fact, water quality is a complex subject, in part because water is a complex medium .The increase in population and urbanization and urbanization necessitates growth in the agricultural and industrial sectors which demand for more fresh water.  When surface water is the non-available mode the alternative is to depend on ground water.
The dependability on ground water has reached an all time high in recent decades due to reasons such as unreliable supplies from surface water due to vagaries of monsoon, increase in demand for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes. This has resulted in over exploitation all over the country and in certain places it has reached critical levels like drying up of aquifers.

Now a days water scarcity increases rapidly due to decrease of ground water.  The ground water is also polluted due to various artificial man-made activities.  Due to this, quality of the water is reduced.  This will produce various adverse impacts on human beings, animals and plants.Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the water quality.


objectives of the Groundwater quality are as follows:
        i.            To check whether the water quality is in compliance with the standards and hence suitable or not for the designated use.
      ii.            To monitor the efficiency of a system working for water quality maintenance
    iii.            To check whether up gradation /change of an existing system is required and to decide what changes should take place.
    iv.            To monitor whether water quality is in compliance with rules and regulations.
      v.             To create Water Quality Index (WQI).

        i.            P. Balakrishnan. Abdul Saleem. and N. D. Mallikarjun.:
  Spatial variations in ground water quality in the corporation area of Gulbarga City located in the northern part of Karnataka State, India, have been studied using geographic information system (GIS) technique. GIS, a tool which is used for storing, analyzing and displaying spatial data is also used for investigating ground water quality information. For this study, water samples were collected from 76 of the bore wells and open wells representing the entire corporation area. The water samples were analyzed for physico-chemical parameters like TDS, TH, Cl- and NO3-, using standard techniques in the laboratory and compared with the standards. The ground water quality information maps of the entire study area have been prepared using GIS spatial interpolation technique for all the above parameters. The results obtained in this study and the spatial database established in GIS will be helpful for monitoring and managing ground water pollution in the study area. Mapping was coded for potable zones, in the absence of better alternate source and non-potable zones in the study area, in terms of water quality. 
      ii.            T. Subramani, S. Krishnan,  P. K. Kumaresan:
 Groundwater Consultants were retained by the Resource Inventory Committee(RIC), Earth Science Task Force to review groundwater quality. The study team have reviewed existing methods for the acquisition, processing, and dissemination of groundwater  and other jurisdictions. The results of this review and assessment are presented in a two-volume report:
Volume 1:   Review and Recommendations offers suggestions to facilitate the collection, management, and dissemination of groundwater information;
Volume 2:Criteria and Guidelines has been prepared to encourage a consistent approach to groundwater quality.
This project included surveying a broad group of individuals to obtain comments on groundwater  quality as well as holding a stakeholder workshop which provided a forum for discussion on this important issue.

3.1  Defination:
Ground water is the water present beneath Earth’s surface in soil pore space and in the fractures of rock formation..Groundwater lies beneath the surface of the earth ,but is affect by surface supply.Groundwater is affected by changes to all of the earth sphere due to linkage through the hydrologic cycle.Ground water  fills the spaces between soil particle and fractured rock beneath the earth surface.
3.2 Hydrologic Cycle: The term hydrologic cycle is used to refer to the constant movement of water above, on, and below the surface of the earth. The concept of the hydrologic cycle is central to an understanding of the occurrence of water and the development, management and protection of the ground water resource.
Although the hydrologic cycle has neither a beginning or an end, it is convenient to discuss its principal features by starting with evaporation from vegetation, from exposed surfaces including the land surface, and from the ocean. This moisture forms clouds which, under favourable conditions, returns the water to the land surface or oceans in the form of precipitation.
Precipitation occurs in several forms, including rain, snow, and hail, but we will consider only rain in this discussion. The first rain wets vegetation and other surfaces and then begins to infiltrate into the ground. Infiltration rates vary widely, depending on land use, from possibly as much as 25 mm per hour in mature forests to a few millimetres per hour in silty soils under cultivation. When and if the rate of precipitation exceeds the rate of infiltration, overland flow occurs.
The first infiltration replaces soil moisture and thereafter the excess percolates slowly downward to the zone of saturation. The water in the zone of saturation moves downward and laterally to areas of ground water discharge such as springs on hillsides or seeps in the bottom of streams and lakes or beneath the ocean.
Water reaching streams, both by overland flow and from ground water discharge, moves to the sea where it is again evaporated to perpetuate the cycle.

Fig 3.1:Hydrological Cycle

3.2.1. Global water cycle:
Water covers about three-quarters of Earth's surface and is a necessary element for life. During their constant cycling between land, the oceans, and the atmosphere, water molecules pass repeatedly through solid, liquid, and gaseous phases (ice, liquid water, and water vapor), but the total supply remains fairly constant. A water molecule can travel to many parts of the globe as it cycles.


Surface area (million km)
Volume area (million km)
Volume %
Equivalent depth
Residence time
Oceans and seas
4000 years
Lakes and reservoirs
10 years
River channel
2 weeks
Soil moisture
2weeks to 50 years
Ground water
2weeks to 100000 years
Atmospheric water
10 days
Table 1. Estimate of the world water balance

3.3  Ground Water Flow System:
ground water system serves as both a reservoir and as a transmitting medium. Water enters the ground water system in recharge areas and moves through them, as dictated by hydraulic gradients and hydraulic conductivities, to discharge areas.
The pore structure of soils, sediment, and rock is a central influence on groundwater movement. Hydrologists quantify this influence primarily in terms of:
• Porosity: the proportion of total volume that is occupied by voids, like the spaces within a pile of marbles. Porosity is not a direct function of the size of soil grains the porosity of a pile of basketballs is the same as a pile of marbles. Porosity tends to be larger in well sorted sediments where the grain sizes are uniform, and smaller in mixed soils where smaller grains fill the voids between larger grains. Soils are less porous at deeper levels because the weight of overlying soil packs grains closer together.
• Permeability: ability of the soil to transmit water through it.Materials with high porosity and high permeability, such as sand, gravel, sandstone, fractured rock, and basalt, produce good aquifers. Low-permeable rocks and sediments that impede groundwater flow include granite, shale, and clay
3.3.1: Three Flavors of Rock:
1.Aquifer Rock: An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock, rock fractures or unconsolidated materials (gravel, sand, or silt) from which groundwater can be extracted using a water well. The study of water flow in aquifers and the characterization of aquifers is called hydrogeology.
2.Aquitard Rock: Aquitards separate aquifers and partially disconnect the flow of water underground. Aquitards comprise layers of either clay or non-porous rock with low hydraulic conductivity.
3:Aquiclude Rock: An aquitard is a zone within the earth that restricts the flow of groundwater from one aquifer to another. A completely impermeable aquitard is called an aquiclude or aquifuge.
Figure 3.2 : Three flavor of rocks

The quality of ground water in some parts of the country, particularly shallow ground water, is changing as a result of human activities. Ground water is less susceptible to bacterial pollution than surface water because the soil and rocks through which ground water flows screen out most of the bacteria. Bacteria, however, occasionally find their way into ground water, sometimes in dangerously high concentrations. But freedom from bacterial pollution alone does not mean that the water is fit to drink. Many unseen dissolved mineral and organic constituents are present in ground water in various concentrations. Most are harmless or even beneficial; though occurring infrequently, others are harmful, and a few may be highly toxic.
and their levels in different locations of the study area. The rapid growth of urban population in Gulbarga city led to unplanned settlements where the access to sewerage is limited and pit latrines or septic tanks are the only options available for sewage disposal. The main sources of nitrate and other pollutants of urban groundwater is sewage and nitrate can reach the aquifer by sewer leakage and, on-site disposal.

 Various chemical parameters like PH ,  TDS, chloride temperature, turbidity and total hardness were analyzed in the groundwater samples used for drinking purposes GIS is used to evaluate the quality of ground water.

The major ground water quality parameters such as,
1. pH 2. Total dissolved solids 3. Sulphate 4. Chloride 5.Turbidity 6.. Temperature. 
1. PH
 pH is a measure of how acidic/basic water is. The range goes from 0 - 14, with 7 being neutral. pHs of less than 7 indicate acidity, whereas a pH of greater than 7 indicates a base. pH is really a measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water.
pH values ranged from 7.52 to 8.79 during pre-monsoon period and 7.42 to 8.74 during post monsoon period. 56.25% of samples were above the standard limit (6.5 to 8.5) prescribed by BIS.
 2.Total Dissolved Solids
Dissolved solids" refer to any minerals, salts, metals, cations or anions dissolved in water. Total dissolved solids (TDS) comprise inorganic salts (principally calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates) and some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water. The TDS values in the present study vary from 229 to 980 mg/l during pre-monsoon and 221 to 973 mg/l in post-monsoon period. 42.5% of samples were above the standard limit (500 mg/l) prescribed by BIS .
3. Turbidity:
Turbidity is the measure of the relative clarity of water. Turbid water is caused by suspended and colloidal matter and microscope organism.turbid water may result in soil erosion urban runoff.
In the present study, chlorides content of underground water varied from 25 to 464 mg/l in pre-monsoon and 27.0 to 436.0 mg/l during post monsoon period. 30% of samples were found above the standard limit (250 mg/l) prescribed by BIS. Chloride concentrations vary widely in natural water and it directly related to mineral content of the water. At concentration above 250 mg/l, water acquires salty taste which is objectionable.Chloride is habitually present in water in form of sodium chloride.  Animals usually can drink water with much more concentration than humans can tolerate (300 to 400 mg/L).
5. Total Hardness:                            
Total hardness is a measure of the capacity of water to the concentration of calcium and magnesium in water and is usually expressed as the equivalent of CaCo3 concentration. In the present study, the total hardness of the water samples ranges between 212 and 598 mg/l during pre-monsoon and 198 to 605 during post monsoon 98.8% of samples were found above the standard limit (200 mg/l) prescribed by BIS. Hard water is useful in the growth of children, if within the permissible limit.
Calcium and magnesium mostly cause the hardness of water. The total hardness of water may be divided in to 2 types, carbonate or temporary and bi-carbonate or permanent hardness.  The  hardness   produced   by   the bi-carbonates of calcium and magnesium can be virtually removed by boiling the water and is called temporary hardness. The hardness caused mainly by the sulphates and chlorates of calcium and magnesium cannot be removed by boiling and is called permanent hardness.
TABLE:2  water quality parameter ,BIS Standard ,Weightage

4.2 Important  Water  Analysis Equipment:
i.            Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
A    total   organic    carbon  analyzer determines the amount of carbon in a water sample. There are two  types  of analyzers.  One  uses  combustion  and the other chemical oxidation.
Figure 3.3 : Total  organic carbon analyzer equipment
ii.            pH Analyzer
Water  pH  testers  and  analyzers  help analyze  pH levels and detect  fault s in systems with electronic pH meters.
Figure 3.4 : PH analyzer equipment
iii.            Water Desalination Equipment:
The      parameters       measured       in Desalination      instrument s      include Alkalinity,(COD),  Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen ,Water Hardness, Iron,  Manganese,  Turbidity in water etc.

Figure 3.5: water desalination equipment
iv.            electrical conductivity meter:- 
An electrical conductivity meter  measures the electrical conductivity  in a solution . It is commonly used in  freshwater  systems to monitor the amount of nutrients, salts or impurities in the water.
Figure 3.6: electrical conductivity meter:

4.3 Ground Water Quality Index (WQI):
A Water Quality Index (WQI) is a means by which water quality data is summarized for reporting to the public in a consistent manner. It is similar to the UV index or an air quality index, and it tells us, in simple terms, what the quality of drinking water is from a drinking water supply. The objective of an index is to turn complex water quality data into information that is understandable and useable by the public.
WQI value
Rating of water Quality
Excellent water quality
God water quality
Poor water quality
Very poor water quality
Unsuitable for drinking purpose
Table 3 :Rating Of Water Quality Index
Determination Of Water Quality Index:
WQI is computed by adopting the following formula The relative weight (Wi ) is computed
Wi= wi/
A quality rating scale (qi) for each parameter is assigned:
qi = (Ci / Si) x 100
 q= is the quality rating,
C =  concentration of  each  chemical  parameter in each  water sample in mg/L,
Si=Indian drinking water standard for each chemical parameter in mg/ L
It is collected in its pure, natural form, which makes it free of chemicals often found in city ordinance water.
It is also free to the harvesters, reducing monthly costs with the elimination of a water bill.
 It is also sustainable and naturally soft due to an absence of dissolved minerals and common urban contaminants
One distinct disadvantage to harvesting ground water is the effort it takes to do so.
 A specific protocol must be followed to keep water safe, clean and convenient.
 These include designating a catchment area to collect the rain.
The analytical results shows higher concentration of  hardness (98.8), iron (62.5%), pH (56.25), calcium (43.8%) and TDS (42.5%) which indicates signs of water quality deterioration as per BIS standards.
urgent need for regular underground water quality monitoring to assess pollution activity from time to time for taking appropriate measures in time to mitigate the intensity of pollution activity.
The Rate at which water infiltrates into the ground depends on the permeability of the rocks and the state of the ground surface.
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