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7 July 2019

How to become better writer, How to express our thing?

Becoming a better writer is a skill that can be developed and honed with practice and dedication. Whether you are an aspiring novelist, a student trying to improve your academic writing, or someone who wants to communicate more effectively in the workplace, here are some tips on how to become a better writer.

becoming a better writer is a skill that can be developed and honed with practice and dedication. Whether you are an aspiring novelist, a student trying to improve your academic writing, or someone who wants to communicate more effectively in the workplace, here are some tips on how to become a better writer.

Read widely: Reading is an essential component of becoming a better writer. Expose yourself to different genres, styles, and authors to broaden your vocabulary, understanding of storytelling, and writing techniques. Pay attention to the structure, language, and tone used by different writers and analyze what makes their writing effective.

Practice regularly: Writing is a skill that improves with practice. Set aside regular time for writing and stick to it. Start with short writing exercises, such as journaling, blogging, or writing prompts, to develop your writing muscles and build confidence. As you progress, challenge yourself with more complex writing tasks, such as essays, articles, or stories, to further develop your writing skills.

Plan and organize your writing: Before you start writing, plan and outline your ideas. Having a clear structure in mind will help you stay focused and organized, and make your writing more coherent and effective. Consider the purpose, audience, and tone of your writing, and develop a logical flow of ideas. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to organize your thoughts and make your writing easier to follow.

Revise and edit your work: Writing is a process that involves multiple drafts. After you have written your first draft, take a break and then come back to it with a critical eye. Revise and edit your work for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style errors. Trim unnecessary words, sentences, or paragraphs that do not contribute to your main point. Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and engaging. Consider seeking feedback from peers, teachers, or mentors to get different perspectives and improve your writing further.

Be mindful of your audience: Consider who you are writing for and what message you want to convey. Adjust your writing style, tone, and language accordingly. If you are writing for a general audience, use plain language and avoid jargon or technical terms. If you are writing for a specific audience, such as academics or professionals, use appropriate language and terminology. Engage your readers by using vivid descriptions, anecdotes, and examples that resonate with them.

Expand your vocabulary: The right choice of words can make a significant difference in your writing. Enhance your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases. Read dictionaries, thesauruses, and word lists, and practice using them in your writing. However, be mindful of using complex words unnecessarily, as it can make your writing sound forced or pretentious. Always aim for clarity and simplicity in your writing.

Embrace feedback and learn from criticism: Writing can be a deeply personal endeavor, and receiving feedback or criticism can be challenging. However, constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and grow as a writer. Embrace feedback from others, and be open to learning from criticism. Use feedback as an opportunity to reflect on your writing style, weaknesses, and strengths, and strive to make your writing better with each iteration.

Keep learning and evolving: Writing is a craft that is constantly evolving, and there is always room for improvement. Keep learning and expanding your knowledge about different writing techniques, genres, and styles. Attend workshops, take writing courses, and read books on writing to deepen your understanding of the craft. Experiment with different writing styles, genres, and formats to find your unique voice as a writer.

In conclusion, becoming a better writer requires practice, dedication, and a willingness to learn and grow. Read widely, practice regularly, plan and organize your writing, revise and edit

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